Thursday, December 17, 2009

Here, Then, Now...

Another day in the trenches... Its December 17th and my season is coming to a close. It was fabulous and I thank each and every customer, sales clerk, friend and family member that helped me out this year. From bespoke jewelry; CHEERS!

I decided to create a small post in dedication to someone that truly has been by my side through the past 6 years of my partnership in the jewelry industry to my launch as a sole proprietor. Jericho my adoring husband. Today is our 4year anniversary of marriage and I cannot be more proud of that fact than the fact that I am in love with him completely and yes, utterly. You say these nauseating words when it is nothing other than true. Meaning there is no other way to express your deep feelings and astute thoughts when they are pouring out of every measure of your reality. I love you Rico and thank you-

With that on the table, lets dress it also with "you create what you are". Being married to someone I always admire makes me a better and more grounded person. I build on my best qualities and reach for my brightest opportunities. With designing and creating jewelry I always produce my best work when it comes from me, what is boiling up inside me, blossoming inside me, turning inside me. It sounds so obvious but it can be hard to harness. It takes a dedicated focus that you possess even when you look away; or walk a different plain for awhile. You have to re-visit that dedication process and re-evaluate its foundation to control its immensity. It is a grand and wonderful thing that allows us to love, honor and create.

For 2010 my resolution is refined focus and drive. My dedication is there, my abilities are strong and I am so anxious to get started. Now relax nico, grab the wheel and watch the road...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sonoma sun sets- A Jewelry box revealed

The middle of October I was in Northern California with much of it spent in Sonoma, and the rest in Berkeley and then San Francisco. Such a beautiful time of year with the leaves changing, the days warm and the nights a bit frigid.

While I was in Sonoma I stayed with a dear old friend while she house sat a quaint home in the hills. I took in the eye dropping beauty of Sonoma on the deck of the house while creating jewelry. I would gaze into the stones I use with more intensity thinking of their immortal beauty. Such strength in their color and the facets so luscious . All of which I felt was being reflected in the surrounding environment. The gold of the hills, silver clouds mid-day, pinks and greens in the dusk sky and blues in the bright morning haze.

Chatting with her and watching the clouds roll in from the ocean was as peaceful as can be and will stick with me for years to come. When I create my jewels I like to imagine Cleopatra and the Queen's of history of which adorned their famed beauty and high society position dripping of exquisite stones and precious metals. The Greeks made jewelry that sung out loud and reeled in on lookers. Poetry of accessories spread across their necks, dangled from their ears and sparkled from every finger, wrist or the top of their prized head.

Today you do not have to be from royal blood or a thick wallet to paint your self as a Queen. A beautiful piece of jewelry frames you and ties the bow of presentation. When you posses a quality piece of jewelry it lasts lifetimes and holds many memories. Every beautiful color, intriguing facet and wondrous design.

I create treasures, and guarantee the glee:)

Peace till the next post-

Monday, October 12, 2009

Back in Seattle after almost 2 weeks on the East side of this country. Visited family in Rhode Island and checked out Connecticut, love to Mystic! Then headed to NYC to see friends and do some shopping. (big hug to Bushwick)

We stayed in Brooklyn where the picture behind this post was taken. It could be anyone artist or many for Brooklyn is filled with street art and artists. There is a artist by the name of Swoon that resides in those parts so if it be so, here's the cred.

While shopping in the Diamond District, and 'no' not for diamonds but gem stones of several shades, I purchased some beautiful pink sapphires and green tigers eye. Pictures are to follow but of the jewelry creations not the stones alone...I shall keep you all posted just remain entertained:)I also picked up some amazing new chains, WOW gold is expensive!!! Well so is sterling.

With my season in full swing, October 1st to mid December, I am eager to get these ideas in my mind out and to the public. I have several trunk shows over the next couple months so check out my website for details

Peace until another post, stay tuned-
