Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sonoma sun sets- A Jewelry box revealed

The middle of October I was in Northern California with much of it spent in Sonoma, and the rest in Berkeley and then San Francisco. Such a beautiful time of year with the leaves changing, the days warm and the nights a bit frigid.

While I was in Sonoma I stayed with a dear old friend while she house sat a quaint home in the hills. I took in the eye dropping beauty of Sonoma on the deck of the house while creating jewelry. I would gaze into the stones I use with more intensity thinking of their immortal beauty. Such strength in their color and the facets so luscious . All of which I felt was being reflected in the surrounding environment. The gold of the hills, silver clouds mid-day, pinks and greens in the dusk sky and blues in the bright morning haze.

Chatting with her and watching the clouds roll in from the ocean was as peaceful as can be and will stick with me for years to come. When I create my jewels I like to imagine Cleopatra and the Queen's of history of which adorned their famed beauty and high society position dripping of exquisite stones and precious metals. The Greeks made jewelry that sung out loud and reeled in on lookers. Poetry of accessories spread across their necks, dangled from their ears and sparkled from every finger, wrist or the top of their prized head.

Today you do not have to be from royal blood or a thick wallet to paint your self as a Queen. A beautiful piece of jewelry frames you and ties the bow of presentation. When you posses a quality piece of jewelry it lasts lifetimes and holds many memories. Every beautiful color, intriguing facet and wondrous design.

I create treasures, and guarantee the glee:)

Peace till the next post-


1 comment:

  1. I have to say these pictures are very nice. I appreciate the design of jewelry as I find variety in your designs. Your designs are unique and pretty. I love the necklace in key shaped design. I want you to share your designs online.
    Antique rings
